Friday, April 8, 2011


I have neglected this poor blog of late. And you, reader, whomever you are. I could say 'no excuse', but I am Irish, and excuses are often more fun than just accepting that one has been a flake and accepting responsibility like an adult.
  1. I have IBS and can't get off the toilet (true, but not relevant to this).
  2. My dog died (true, but over a year ago).
  3. My dad died (true, but 35 years ago).
  4. My mom died (true, but 25 years ago).
  5. My husband had a cerebral hemorrhage (true, but a year ago).
  6. I took in a foster kid (true, two months ago, more about this later).
  7. I ate something that didn't agree with me (seldom does).
  8. I pulled a muscle burying a body.
  9. I am hiding from the revenuers.
  10. I am busy propagating edible conifers.
Well, pick one. That as good as you're gonna get. Or, just know that I got discouraged, depressed and bummed at life. We are barely on speaking terms even now, me and Life.

As Radar O'Reilly says in M.A.S.H. 4077th, 'I hope to better, sir...'

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