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Didn't I say that I am not having any more chicks this year? Remember the blog about chickens in the house, poop on the deck, et cetera? I really meant it.Now, one of my hens begins disappearing, but not so long a time that I get suspicious. She doesn't act broody. Time goes by.
Today, I saw her face off against the miniature rooster, Albert, and she was riled! Feathers flared to maximum stand-up, head down, growling like a bear. Oh, no... she's got a nest somewhere.
So, I looked, and looked, and finally found a lovely warm nest in the aviary, open since the quail and pheasants were released. She has 15 large brown eggs, well on their way to becoming chicks in my yard. What can I do? I am not capable of trashing the eggs because I didn't plan this. So, it's chicks for us this year.
They will be good layers; put in your order now!
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