Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Desert rain

Beautiful, sunny high desert!  The center of the state, sunny and warm or sunny and cold, no in betweens.  George and I went there to look at homes this weekend.  He had been telling me how as we crested the pass, we would break through the clouds and I would see that illusive sun my soggy depressed brain so badly needs now.  He has been to the area frequently lately to get his dose of vitamin D and fresh air.

But, instead of sunshine and blue skies, there was grey clouds and rain.  Rain!  In one of the driest areas of the West!  All weekend!  Where do I go to get my money back?  George had said that when I get there, I 'll see the sun and say, 'Oh, yeah!  This is why we should live here!'  Well, I did not utter that line all weekend.

There are some good deals in the real estate market, though.  If I want to live in a brown place that rains...   

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