Sunday, April 18, 2010

Stop being an ass; your nuts are gone...

My horse is acting like an ass. So much so I don't even feel like riding him.

You see, I was nice enough to get a friend's horse to come here to stay with him so he would have a pasture buddy, and wouldn't be alone. The friend brought a mare, a dominant, possessive, snippy little 14 hander that rules the roost. And poor dumb Cruz is beginning to act like a stallion, screaming and snorting when he is away from her. And he has no 'nads, zero, zip, de-macho-ized. Criminy, can the memory of long ago baby testosterone be enough to make him a jerk? Apparently so.

'Course, she is screaming and snorting and pounding along the fence in a fury to ..."get right back here, you hear me?" He is not even worth riding in this state.

I have always been irritated at the folks who show up for rides and horse functions with poorly behaved, snorting, asshole horses, and yet, this is what I have right now.

My plan is to get the mare back to her home, and allow Cruz to be alone, with just me for company. I will work on the interdependence, the friendship, and respect. Then, I think our new relationship can get off to a new, nicer start. Cross your fingers...

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