Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Tips to being a good holiday guest (and keeping your Hostess sane)

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Tips for being a great guest:

1. Don't be late for dinner, or any other organized event. If your hostess says dinner at four, be there no later than four If it is a family thing, come early and offer to help or pour wine or put other guest coats away. Don't expect to be waited on.

2. Don't bring something that has to be cooked or assembled at the host's home. You will be in the way. I don't care if it your 'special' dish; this gathering is not about you. Save it for your own gig.

3. Don't expect to be waited on. This deserves repeating. You are not there to be one more job for the hostess. Unless otherwise instructed, offer to help.

4. Do not change the seating arrangement unless you consult the hostess. This applies double for small spaces. Not the host, the hostess. Chances are she has arranged this for best flow, best conversation, whatever... If not, she can tell you. I can tell you that I do not want to spend two days cooking a beautiful meal to see anyone but my husband sitting at the head of the table...(duh!).

5. If you remove anything from the refrigerator, ask first. That just may be the secret ingredient to some dish the hostess needs. If you remove it, someone may have to go to Alaska to replace it.

6. For God's sake, clean up after yourself and help clean up after the meal. You have heard that as far back as your childhood. Why am I repeating myself?

Let's see, have I covered everything? Well, I have covered things I shouldn't have to, but I apparently have to.

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